Work :
Check with your surgeon before returning to work, but most patients will begin
Exercise Guidelines :
Stop any exercise if you experience shortness of breath, dizziness, leg cramping, unusual fatigue, and/or chest pain (angina). Notify your doctor if these symptoms persist.
If your post-exercise pulse rate is more than 30 beats faster than your resting pulse rate, or if your rate of perceived exertion is over 13, you have exercised too hard. In order to correct these conditions, you will need to modify your next exercise session.
Pulse Assessment :
Monitoring your pulse rate helps you to keep your activities within a safe heart rate range. To take your pulse, place your index and middle fingers on the lower part of your thumb, then slide your fingers down to your wrist. If you do not feel the pulse, try moving your fingers over a little bit in the same area. Once you can feel the pulse, count in for 15 seconds and multiply by 4. This will tell you how many times your heart is beating in one minute. Your doctor or their nurse can help you to find your pulse in your wrist if you have difficulty.
Warning :
Stop any activity immediately you feel short of breath notice irregular heart beats, feel faint or dizzy, or you have chest pain. Rest until the symptoms subside. If they do not subside within 20 minutes, notify your doctor.
Suggested walking program for CABG pt.:Withuneventfulrecovery/Ave. fitness.]

First week at home: 5 – 10 min. 3 times a day at 2-3 kmph [ 2 to 2.5 METs]
                                   Approx. 1 km total walking in a day.

Second week at home: 10 – 15 min. 3-4 times a day at 3-3.5 kmph[ 2.5 to 3 METs]
                                         Approx. 2 km. Total walking in a day.
Third week at home : 15 – 20 min. 3-4 times a day at 3 –4 kmph[ 3 – 3.5 METs]
                                      Approx. 3 –3.5 km total walking in a day.
Fourth week at home: 20 – 30 min. 3 –4 times a day at 4 kmph [ 3 – 4 METs]
                                       Approx. 4 – 5 km total walking in a day.
Fifth week onwards: May increase duration and pace of walking as per doctor's Adv.
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